Bad Blogger Attempts to Redeem Self With Photographic Offerings
I know, it's been over a week! I'm as shocked and dismayed by my lack of commitment and self-discipline as you are, believe me! Probably more so with my Virgo rising.
It's been a crazy couple of weeks since the kids got out of school, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love having them home. Yes, I know, most mommies can't wait for summer vacation to end because their kids get bored and they don't know what to do with them or something. I can't say I really understand it. I don't know why my kids don't get bored, all I know is I love summer vacation. I love not having to get them up in the morning, I love not having to make sure they do their homework, I love letting them stay up late reading and playing video games, I love camping in the backyard.
I was going to post yesterday, but I ended up playing with a bunch of pictures instead! The upside of that is I have a nice bunch ready to upload. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how many blogger can comfortably publish at one time, so here are just a few to get you started.
If I were a good blogger I'd look up the genus and the species of this toad for you, but I'm not. Thus, I leave it to you, my sleuthy, google-happy friends, to educate me. If you feel like it, or whatever.
This shot of Yo & PJ is one of Ebo's from our most recent camping trip. I love this picture!
I call this one "Stowaway." It's another job for our trusty internet sleuths! Whoever names this one by genus and species gets a free box of Giradellis!
Origins: Found while unpacking a suitcase several days after we returned from camping. She was pretty shriveled up inside her shell when I found her, so I tossed her into a nearby glass of water. I was absolutely delighted when she started to climb up the side of the glass!
Status: Rescued and successfully relocated to the rock garden. Lucky for her I don't have any ducks or geese!
Favorite Sons: This photo came about because of the other photo posted earlier of the boys when they were younger. PJ saw it and decided I needed to take a new picture "in front of the refrigerator." I love the gleeful expressions on those faces!
Father's Day 2006: The aftermath
I hope you enjoy these, more coming soon!
It's been a crazy couple of weeks since the kids got out of school, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love having them home. Yes, I know, most mommies can't wait for summer vacation to end because their kids get bored and they don't know what to do with them or something. I can't say I really understand it. I don't know why my kids don't get bored, all I know is I love summer vacation. I love not having to get them up in the morning, I love not having to make sure they do their homework, I love letting them stay up late reading and playing video games, I love camping in the backyard.
I was going to post yesterday, but I ended up playing with a bunch of pictures instead! The upside of that is I have a nice bunch ready to upload. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how many blogger can comfortably publish at one time, so here are just a few to get you started.

Origins: Found while unpacking a suitcase several days after we returned from camping. She was pretty shriveled up inside her shell when I found her, so I tossed her into a nearby glass of water. I was absolutely delighted when she started to climb up the side of the glass!
Status: Rescued and successfully relocated to the rock garden. Lucky for her I don't have any ducks or geese!

Father's Day 2006: The aftermath
I hope you enjoy these, more coming soon!